Increase Your Tenacity To Finally Build That Skill!

Increase Your Tenacity To Finally Build That Skill!

Tenacity is one of three key elements required for real change. And, happily, it’s a muscle that we can train. Before giving up, ask yourself if you’ve given your new habit or skill a real, fighting chance…

One Client's Experience with Virginia's Coaching

One Client's Experience with Virginia's Coaching

A short interview ... Why the heck should you work with Virginia? What are the benefits? A client talks about what she expected before she started, what has changed for her since, who she'd recommend Virginia's coaching for, and why.

How To Have Difficult Conversations, Part II

How To Have Difficult Conversations, Part II

How to have crucial conversations that frankly you’d rather avoid – and do them well! Part II gives you Steps 3 and 4: having the conversation and follow-up. It’s possible to have proactive and fruitful conversations that create constructive progress and reinforce relationships.

How To Have Difficult Conversations, Part I

How To Have Difficult Conversations, Part I

How to have crucial conversations that frankly you’d rather avoid – and do them well! Part I gives you Steps 1 and 2: setting the stage and preparation. Create a culture and a pattern of interactions where you’re building bridges and not burying your head in the sand and hoping for the best!!

How To Get Closer To Your Ideal Week

How To Get Closer To Your Ideal Week

Do the weeks fly by and do you find yourself rolling tasks over from one week to another? Frustrated? Doubling down on what hasn’t worked before won’t get you to a better place. I give you lots of practical ideas for how to get closer to your ideal week in this post, so check it out!

Transforming Conversations: I'm All Ears!

Transforming Conversations: I'm All Ears!

Are we losing our listening? What?? Don’t be ridiculous. I can hear you and furthermore I’ve already scripted out in my head the whole conversation we’re going to have anyway. Hush, this is what I want you to know. Oh, the whole project’s on the rocks? I have no idea why.
